How To Make Your Video Content More Successful

5 simple ideas for more engaging video content

Everyone is talking about video content. With Instagram making Reels a priority (and then going back on it, sort of), the rise of Tik Tok and vertical short-form video content in general, video is an essential ingredient to any successful (content) marketing strategy. Between videos being shared on YouTube and different social media platforms, it’s easy to start racking up those video views throughout the day. Research shows 84 minutes per day (Source: The Social Media Shepherd) is the global average for video consumption. And research shows, that this number is only going to climb higher and higher each year.

So how can you as a brand get your target group’s eyes on your video content? Here are 5 ways that might help you create more engaging and successful video content for your brand:

Tell a story

Storytelling is a method as old as time when it comes to communicating, sharing information and getting people interested in who you are and what you have to stay. By including the traditional elements of a narrative (beginning, character, conflict, climax, and resolution) present in your video, and your viewers will identify it as a story. You could also experiment with using well-known tropes in your video - like a western story, a crime theme or high school movie. The possibilities are endless!

If you are using a well-known thrope you should pay attention to inclusivity and diversity - you do not want to repeat harmful clichés and stereotypes, no matter how well the audience might recognize a thrope. Be authentic to your brand’s values in your vidoes and people will start to watch and like them in a genuine way.

Be ironic

Irony is a powerful tool when it comes to creating video content. From the breaking of social norms, to subverting the audience’s expectation of your communication or use of product - try to underline your product’s key features with an ironic storyline. This goes hand in hand with the first option, telling a story. Telling a story ironically can give it a fresh new perspective and make it way more entertaining.

The element of suprise

We all love an element of surprise when it comes to video content. The “Wait for it!” effect can be a clever way to captivate your audience and make your product the star of the show. From actual surprise like someone jumping into the frame, to a surprising use or interpretation of your product - surprises can come in a number of different ways and delight your audience.

Solve a problem

Every day, millions of people are looking for solutions online. Why not provide an answer to their question? From practical solutions like recipe or home decorations ideas, to presenting yourself as the expert on your brand’s main topics - there are so many ways that you can be helpful to your audience through video content. Make it easy to consume, have a clear point and message - combine that with great visuals and you should have a great video on your hands!


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